Fill in the form to access SEDS FRANCE member discounts
Fill in the form to access the
exclusive page with special discounts
Are you a member of SEDS FRANCE?
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No, I am not a member
SEDS France Membership number
First Name
Which School of Disruption courses are you interested in?
Space Architecture & Design (227€ instead of 623€)
Space Biotechnology (227€ instead of 623€)
3d Printing of Buildings (147€ instead of 297€)
Computational Design (197€ instead of 394€)
Disruptive Innovation Masterclass (148€ instead of 297€)
Quantum Computing Basics (197€ instead of 394€)
Metaverse Real Estate (167€ instead of 397€)
Bundle - Space Architecture + Space Biotechnology (347€ instead of 1294€)
Bundle - Space Architecture + 3D Printing of Buildings (335€ instead of 772€)
Bundle - Space Architecture + Disruptive Innovation Masterclass (360€ instead of 967€)
Do you have any question?
I agree to share the data provided in this form with the School of Disruption team
First Name
Which School of Disruption courses are you interested in?
Space Architecture & Design (227€ instead of 623€)
Space Biotechnology (227€ instead of 623€)
3d Printing of Buildings (147€ instead of 297€)
Computational Design (197€ instead of 394€)
Disruptive Innovation Masterclass (148€ instead of 297€)
Quantum Computing Basics (197€ instead of 394€)
Metaverse Real Estate (167€ instead of 397€)
Bundle - Space Architecture + Space Biotechnology (347€ instead of 1294€)
Bundle - Space Architecture + 3D Printing of Buildings (335€ instead of 772€)
Bundle - Space Architecture + Disruptive Innovation Masterclass (360€ instead of 967€)
Do you have any question?
I agree to share the data provided in this form with the School of Disruption team